"Simplicity is the secret of seeing things clearly." - Oswald Chambers

Living a health-filled life doesn't have to be complicated! God designed our bodies to be fit, healthy and available for His use.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


I love this time of year! I love everything about Christmas! It’s also the time of year that I get a little nostalgic and like to reflect back on this past year. 2010 has been quite a year for me. It’s had many ups and downs. My pregnancy and the birth of my daughter has been one of the primary focuses of this year for me but it has also been a year of tremendous growth in my life, in many areas. I’m thankful for the growth I have seen in my Team Beachbody coaching business and how I’ve grown as a person through it. I’m thankful for the amazing people I’ve met and become close to as a result of this business. Maybe I’m a little bias, but seriously, this is a business like no other. I truly am blessed to be a part of it. Seven years ago I was at my lowest point in my health and it was at that time that I saw an infomercial for Slim in 6. That was a turning point in my life physically. I’m happy to say that my health has taken a complete about-face since then. About a year and a half ago, I decided it was time to start paying it forward and help others change their health as well. I became a Team Beachbody coach! It’s been an amazing journey – and really, it’s only just beginning. I’m excited to see where my coaching will go in 2011! I’ve had some great people join my coaching team this year and I thank God for each one of them. I’ve developed some great relationships with some of the people I coach and thank God for each one of them as well. So this is my invitation to YOU, my readers. Come and join my team! I will coach you for free and together we’ll work on a plan to help you meet your own health and fitness goals. Or maybe you want to take it a step further and join my coaching team. You don’t have to be in great shape physically, at that perfect weight yet, or even have had any experience. The company will give you all the tools and training you need! And until Dec. 31st, it’s FREE to sign up! So why not give yourself the best Christmas gift ever and become a coach!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Stuffing!

Thanksgiving Stuffing
by Jordan Rubin
from Extraordinary Health Newsletter Issue 104

It’s not unusual for many to overindulge during Thanksgiving or other holidays, but there’s more at stake than indigestion and feeling bloated. Loading up on the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, rolls and butter, pumpkin pie and other foods—binge-style—can increase risk for heart attack, gallbladder pain and dangerous drowsiness when driving home.

On average, Americans consume about 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat (mostly unhealthy fat) on Thanksgiving Day, says the Calorie Control Council. Dr. Pamela Peeke, assistant clinical professor at the University of Maryland’s School of Medicine, remarks that the typical Thanksgiving meal is “like a tsunami of fat coming into the body.”

Interestingly, when food travels through the body, it releases digestive fluids, chemicals and hormones along the way. An average meal takes 1 to 3 hours to leave the stomach, but a large meal like the Thanksgiving meal may take 8 to 12 hours to leave the stomach. And speaking of the stomach…did you know that the average stomach capacity is about 8 cups, but can range from 4 to 12 cups?

That’s a lot of stomach room—and many people fill up their tummies over the holidays. Interestingly, after about 1,500 calories in one sitting, the gut releases a hormone that causes nausea so most folks may begin to slow their eating—although many push those limits and keep eating.

The stomach isn’t the only thing that’s stretched during a big meal, though. The body becomes stressed and has to work harder, too. The extra digestion required makes the heart pump more blood to the stomach and intestines—which can stress the heart. Consuming larger amounts of unhealthy fatty foods can also cause the blood to clot more easily, says Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a researcher at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. That could result in higher heart attack risk. In fact, Dr. Lopez-Jimenez conducted a study which showed a four-fold increase in heart attack risk in the two hours following eating a large meal. In a separate study, Israeli researchers said that there is a seven-fold increase of heart attack risk after eating too much at one sitting.

The gallbladder works extra hard after a big meal, too, squeezing out bile to help with fat digestion. This exertion may spark a gallstone attack. It can be a sneak attack for many, too, since they don’t even realize they have gallstones until they overeat and experience the discomfort of gallstones.

Then there’s the “carb coma” that often follows big meals, which can make people feel like they need to nap—and that’s where another danger may lurk. For those who get back on the road soon after eating, drowsiness could overtake them and make them more susceptible to accidents.

That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Thanksgiving meals and other holiday celebrations, though. Just be sure not to stuff yourself.

Leave the stuffing for the turkey!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gingerbread Muffins

It's fall and where we live it's overcast and rainy. A perfect day muffins fresh from the oven (and maybe some soup later on!). This morning I fixed these Gingerbread Muffins and wanted to share the recipe here.

6 Tblsp. coconut oil (or melted butter)

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup molasses
2 eggs
1 cup milk (or almond milk or soy milk)
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 Tblsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. ground cloves

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Blend oil and sugar. Beat in eggs. Stir in milk and vanilla. Add all dry ingredients. Blend until barely mixed. Fill greased or paper-lined muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake 20-25 minutes until set and browned. Makes 12.

Nutrition Information per serving:

Calories: 190
Fat: 7 grams
Carbohydrates: 30 grams
Protein: 3.4 grams

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Clean Eating Challenge!

Ok, we've hit the season of gluttony! Time to tighten up our eating a few notches if we want to see results. SO, we're gonna have a Clean Eating Challenge! I'm "borrowing" the rules from my coach, Rochelle's site. Here's how it works:

Date: November 1 till Thanksgiving Day! (So you're free to eat what you want on Turkey Day!)


If you adhere to these guidelines, you will see big changes. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF little slips here and there. But if you fall, pick yourself up again. It’s consistency and not perfection that gets you to your ideal body!

1. You PRESS PLAY Five or Six Times a week, depending on your program.If you are not doing a beachbody workout, you should aim to do 3 resistance days and 2-3 cardio days. (Note: my experience is with Beachbody products. For that reason I can’t design a gym workout program for you.)
4. You MUST report daily for the preceding day on the Simple Health 4 Life page on facebook. Feel free to post comments, questions, struggles, triumphs here. We’re in this together! You can friend me on facebook: www.facebook.com/Susan.Kihleng.
5. You have until Tuesday morning to take your measurements AND pictures. You don’t have to post them, but you do have to take them. A lot of times you won’t lose pounds, but your body will change. Don’t miss that event!
Are you ready?
RULE 1: You eat 4 to 6 small meals per day, ideally breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. That means that you are eating every 2 to 3 hours.Your body needs to be fueled. Eating only breakfast, lunch, and dinner is not okay.
RULE 2: You eat at least 1250 calories (unless you are less than 5 feet tall). I am putting this down because this challenge is about eating clean and being healthy, not about starving yourself. A few people have asked me if I eat very low calories. For the record, I eat about 1600 to 1800 calories per day these days!
RULE 3: This is more like a guideline than a rule. You follow something close to a 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat diet. For those of you doing carb manipulation or following a special plan for diabetics, that’s fine, too. Again, I just don’t want folks to think they are eating clean if they eat 4 bowls of cereal per day. Your meals have to be balanced.If you need a meal plan, email me or ask your coach. If you are BB Club Member, you can print one out. It’s up to you to substitute foods from Michi’s Ladder.
RULE 4: This is the real challenge part: YOU EAT ONLY FROM THE TOP 2 TIERS of MICHI’S LADDER OR SIMILAR NUTRITION LIST 6 DAYS A WEEK. To See Michi’s Ladder, sign on to your teambeachbody account. Go to EAT SMART Tab and you’ll find it there.If you are not a FREE BeachBody community member, click here —>FREE COACHING to join so you can have access to Michi’s Ladder. I will also become your free coach. This is the challenge and these are the rules. If you accept to enter it, then you also accept to enter the NO WHINING ZONE!
NOTE: If you are prone to having eating issues or tend to get too obsessive with food, perhaps this challenge is not for you. You might do better to stick to something less restrictive.
Are you ready?
Bring it!
**** ADDENDUM: Shakeology, Recovery drink, protein supplements, coffee, natural almond/peanut butter, and almond milk are ALLOWED. *******After resistance workouts I have a meal replacement shake. It can be SHAKEOLOGY or another kind of meal replacement.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Losing Those Extra Pounds!

I thought this was a great article on water weight. Read here and then sign up for Free Team Beachbody membership to get the newsletter in your own inbox every week!

Could Those Extra Pounds Be Water Weight? Lose 'Em Fast!
By Debra Pivko

Ever wonder how you gained 5 pounds overnight—even when you're cutting calories? The usual culprit is water weight.

If your stomach feels bloated, your face looks puffy, or your hands and feet swell, it's likely that your body is retaining water. And this may show up on the scale as a few extra pounds. Not fun.
Here's why it happens. Your body is constantly trying to rid itself of the salt you consume. When it can't purge all the extra salt, your tissues react by holding on to water, so the ratio of salt to water is always at a safe level.

But if you want to determine your real weight, see how close you are to your fitness goals, and button up those old jeans with ease, follow these quick tips to lose the extra water weight—fast.
Drink more water.

It may seem counterintuitive, but not drinking enough water every day can actually make you retain more water! Dehydration causes your body to go into panic mode, and it'll hold on to water the next time you take a drink. Diuretics like alcohol, tea, and caffeinated soda can actually have a dehydrating effect on your body since they flush water out of your system.
What to do? Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water each day so your body will maintain its fluid balance, and you won't gain those extra pounds. Water is the best diuretic you can give your body and it's all natural, and usually free! If looking thinner and feeling less bloated isn't enough motivation, here's some more. Drinking water before each meal has been shown to help promote weight loss and even to help keep your skin healthy, which is particularly useful if you don't want your skin to sag once you lose weight.
So keep a water bottle at your desk, send yourself "drink water" reminders if you have to, track your water intake for motivation, or do whatever it takes to remember to drink enough water. The extra hydration will prevent those false pounds from showing up on the scale.
Sweat it out with exercise.
When you sit in one place for a long period of time, your circulation slows down and your body can begin to swell. Exercise promotes blood flow and circulation (not to mention sweating). So when you get in some serious cardio, you'll literally sweat out excess fluids and pounds. Make sure to get your daily exercise to help rid your body of water weight.

The exercise program that leaves my workout clothes most drenched in sweat would have to be Chalene Johnson's TurboFire®. When I eat too much salt or just too much food and feel extra bloated, Chalene's latest program is my savior that helps me get my stomach looking flat, fast. I just pop one of the high-intensity interval training or cardio kickboxing discs in the DVD player to work up a serious sweat and burn major calories. I think it's the awesome music remixes that keep me going through the intense cardio conditioning. After big holiday meals, like the annual Thanksgiving feast for example, I can expect to find my coworkers ready for some TurboFire to fire up our weight loss and sweat it all out.
Limit the sodium in your diet.
To give your body a break from retaining water and working hard to eliminate sodium in the first place, try to keep your sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams per day and avoid adding salt to foods.
Watch out for sneaky salt in boxed or packaged foods by reading nutrition labels carefully. Some of the foods where sodium is often hidden are canned soups, fast foods, pickled foods, processed/deli meats, cheeses, frozen meals, and soy sauce. Make sure to look for labels that say "reduced sodium" or "sodium free." You may also want to choose fresh vegetables over canned. While canned veggies can be a handy substitute for fresh, they're typically laden with preservatives or sauces and seasonings that add extra sodium. A cup of canned cream-style corn, for example, contains 730 milligrams of sodium.
Also, food at restaurants and fast food establishments often contains high amounts of sodium. Eliminate all table salt and try using pepper or other spices on your food instead. Or, maybe try nothing and remind yourself what the food actually tastes like.
Another great way to keep track of your sodium intake is by getting your own customized nutrition plan with Team Beachbody's My Meal Planner. It's an awesome new benefit of the Team Beachbody® Club membership. You'll get a week's worth of recipes that include low-sodium options, or you can modify and make substitutions to the recipes for even lower sodium options. I use it to track my progress throughout the week so I know all my nutrition stats. You can even use the food analyzer to search any food and get the nutrition information for it. I'm obsessed.

Eat more protein.
Deficiencies in protein, along with vitamins B1, B5, and B6, can lead to water retention as these nutrients assist with fluid balance functioning. Some good sources of these nutrients include lean beef, legumes, and low-fat dairy products. You should try to eat two to three appropriate portions of lean protein per day.
Don't starve yourself.
Undereating can also cause you to gain water weight. Eating fewer than 1,200 calories a day may cause your body to retain water and, ironically enough, cause you to gain more weight.
Limit your sugar intake.
Having too much sugar in your body can cause your insulin levels to rise. High levels of insulin may make it harder for your body to get rid of sodium, which in turn causes water weight gain.
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
Fresh fruits and vegetables—especially those naturally rich in water, such as watermelon, onions, celery, and cucumbers—can make you urinate more frequently, reducing water retention. Fruits and vegetables also provide ample sources of potassium, which assists with fluid balance within body cells. I love going to the farmers' market on Sundays and picking up fresh fruits and veggies, but let's face it—making constant trips to buy fresh produce doesn't always fit into my lifestyle. Thank goodness for Shakeology®. It's an easy way to get my fruits and veggies without having to set up shop in the produce section of the market. And that way, my veggies come in the form of a delicious chocolate-flavored treat. I sometimes toss a mini banana into my shake for some extra potassium, which also helps discourage water retention and keeps my muscles from cramping up during workouts.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness & Shakeology

As I'm sure you already know, this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Perhaps you are getting the constant little updates and emails on Facebook or wherever as I am. But seriously, how does that help anything? Are silly little comments going to help save lives through cancer research or treatments? So I've decided that for the month of October, any new Home Direct Shakeology sells I make, 100% of my commission will be donated to Breast Cancer research. So for every new Home Direct order of Shakeology, that means $29.99 will be donated to the cause! So why not place your order today?! Not only will you be taking a huge step towards improving your own health , but you will be supporting an important cause!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Time For a Time Out

I get so wrapped up sometimes in all that I have going on in my life - homeschooling, housekeeping, coaching, etc. - that I forget to take time out and just have fun. We schedule in our homeschool calendar times that we just take a break from the work and get outside, whether it be a field trip, nature walk, or like today, a trip to the beach. I have to admit, this morning I didn't feel like going to the beach. Maybe that sounds weird; I mean, who wouldn't want to drop everything and go to the beach! But I was inwardly arguing with myself over all I needed to get done. But I'm so glad that common sense won over and off we went. It was a great time to just get out in the fresh air, breathe freely, and have fun with my family. The laundry can wait (and yes, I do now have piles of wet towels and swimsuits!), the paper grading, the meal planning, grocery shopping, and everything else on my To Do list can wait. Sometimes, the best thing is to just take a break! And then jump back into responsibilities with a renewed energy and outlook on things. So today, why not schedule in a 'Time Out' for yourself! You might be surprised at how much more you accomplish once you jump back into things.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chai Tea

I have to confess, I'm a coffee addict! But I've been trying to cut back on the coffee I drink lately, mainly because of all the stuff I add to it (I love it with LOTS of milk and honey!) as well as for the plain reason that I feel better when I don't drink it regularly. Sure, it wakes me up in the morning and keeps me going...for awhile. Then I tend to crash mid-morning, requiring ANOTHER cup of coffee and well, the cycle never really ends. In the past when I've quit coffee for awhile, I've turned to tea, usually green tea, until I met Chai! I was instantly hooked! So for about a month now I've been replacing my morning cup 'o Joe with a cup of Chai Tea and was pleasantly surprised to find that I don't seem to crash throughout the day like I did with coffee.
So what is Chai anyway? Well, I've learned that chai is actually the Hindi word for 'tea'. Traditional chai tea is a strong black tea blended with spices such as cinnamon, cardamon, cloves, pepper, and ginger. The perfect tea for this time of year as we head into the fall season (today is the first day of fall, by the way. Well, at least it is on this side of the world; I'm a day ahead of you if you're in the States). Chai tea is also often served with milk added.

Is Chai Tea healthy? Well, considering the antioxidants known to be in black tea, as well as the health benefits found in cinnamon and the other spices added, Chai Tea is a healthy choice. Using honey to sweeten the Chai is also a healthier choice than sugar and brings out the natural flavors of the spices in the tea.

So, as you head off to start your day today and as we enter into some cooler weather, pass up on that cup of coffee once in awhile and give Chai a try!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ready, Set...Stretch

I received this article in Dr. Mercola's newsletter and wanted to repost here as it has some valuable information. Please read to help avoid injury while working out as well as increase flexibility and mobility.
When and How Should You Warm Up, Stretch, Exercise, and Cool Down?
by Darin L. Steen

I get tons of questions about this topic. There seems to be a lot of confusion about stretching.
We all seem to not have enough time in the day for all that we need to do for fitness and fat loss. So it is logical that most of us skip stretching. But that is a big mistake.
I know it seems counterintuitive but saving time by skipping this step will not get you to your goals faster.
My point is, cut back on your work out time instead, and make sure to incorporate these simple stretching techniques for maximum results. You will become more flexible and lower your risk for injury. You will also be able to stay more consistent to your work out schedule, thus obtaining better results.
The proper sequence of an intense work out should be:

  • Warm up
  • Light stretching
  • 40 – 50 minutes of intense resistance training
  • Intense stretching the last ½ of the intense resistance session
  • Cool down

Step 1: The Warm Up
It is very important to transition into an intense work out with 10 minutes of low level cardiovascular activity. Some modes of exercise that work well are jumping jacks, jump rope, martial art kicks, squat thrust, or any full body calisthenic type exercise.
However, my favorite mode is power walking on the treadmill.
Your starting speed should be nice and slow. I’m 5'9" and start at 3.5 mph and increase the speed by 0.1 mph every minute. Over the course of the 10 minute warm up I will go from 3.5 mph to 4.5 mph.
During the 10 minute warm up, focus on a power-walking stride.
There are many variations of a power-walk, but the one I like the most is very unique and warms the muscles below your hips better than standard walking technique.
Three technique reminders of my unique power-walk stride are:

  • Stand tall (chest open blades back) like a soldier at attention
  • Long stride challenge. Keep legs stiff and elongate each stride
  • Dig heels in tread by pointing toes back toward head

This unique technique will take the tension out of bad places (bones, joints, and ligaments) and put it in the “hot spots”: buns, hips, hamstrings and quads. These hot spots burn a lot of calories because of the amount of muscle they contain.
Why – The 10 minute warm up increases your core body temperature and gets your juices flowing. This is very important to stay safer during the intense exercise segment. It gets synovial fluid moving and oils the joints.
Mentally it is a nice transition into clearing your mind and getting ready for the intense work out. You need to treat the exercise session like a meditation and work on the mind/muscle connection during each contraction. That is hard to do when you are thinking about other things during the work out.
The warm up is also a great time to visualize, goal set, and incant (say out loud what you want).
How - Jump rope, calisthenics, including jumping jacks, side bends and kicks. My personal favorite warm up activity is power-walking on a tread mill or out side.

Step 2: Mild Stretching
It is very important to implement some light stretching before the intense exercise session. One light stretch per body part for about 5-10 seconds is usually sufficient.
Doing so increases blood flow to your muscles and also increases synovial fluid in your joints (a type of self lubrication process). Mild stretching also increases the range of motion of your muscles and is a nice transition from the low level warm up into the intense exercise session.

Step 3: Intense Exercise
If you want to gain muscle and lose fat you must incorporate resistance training with free weights, kettle bells, functional exercises, and plyo-metrics.
You’ll want to push your muscles to failure in the 10 -15 rep range for 2 or 3 sets per exercise.

Step 4: Intense Stretching
During the last half of the intense exercise session, stretch out each target muscle after each exercise.
Each stretch should last 4-5 seconds as you let your breath out and elongate the loose muscle. Increase the stretch a little bit on each progressive stretch, up to 6 times.
Why - To elongate and relax muscles.
Each exercise shortens and tightens the muscle up, so it makes sense to stretch. Stretching the muscle helps bring in fresh blood. This process brings nutrients to the muscle to immediately start the recovery process.
Stretching the muscle also aids in removing lactic acid, which is a negative byproduct of the muscle going to failure. It is like the exhaust coming out of an engine. If you have too much lactic acid accumulation, your muscle will be slow to heal.
Stretching during and after an intense work out means your muscles will not get as sore, and they will not stay sore as long.

Step 5: The Cool Down
How — 10 minutes of slow walking on a treadmill is ideal.
Why — For the same reasons youperform intense stretching during and after intense exercises.
The cool down not only brings fresh blood into areas to help with lactic acid removal, it also brings your heart rate down to resting pulse quicker. A proper cool down also helps lower a raised heart rate down to resting heart rate safely.
A proper cool down simply makes you feel recovered after feeling like a whipped puppy after intense exercise. It kick starts the recovery process as well.
Getting the body and the life of your dreams is not just about consistent intense work outs.
Remember, you should only be working out 3-4 hours per week. During intense work outs you are tearing the body down, causing controlled micro tears in your muscles. You are also depleting your energy reserves.
Improving your fitness level is also, and perhaps more importantly, about learning how to recover.
This article covers the basic of your first line of defense in the recovery process. Nutrition, rest, sleep, and healthy lifestyle choices are also imperative in a well rounded recovery program.
You do have the power to change. Get a Better Body, Get a Better Life!

Your Healthy LifeStyle Coach,
Darin L. Steen

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Lowly Cucumber

Where we live in the South Pacific, it's difficult to get the fresh produce available in the average supermarket in the States. Twice a month a ship comes delivering supplies to the stores and we all rush to the markets to purchase our wilted and nearly dead lettuce, broccoli, and whatever other wonders the ship has brought. One thing, however, that grows well here on the island is cucumbers. So we eat a LOT of cucumbers while waiting on that ship. I just recently was sent this info on the cucumber, and while I can not say for sure that every thing on this list is fact, it makes me feel a little better about serving up my family a plate of cucumbers instead of that beautiful green salad with all the fixings that I can only dream about. (Oh, and I also learned that cucumbers are fruit, NOT vegetables! Maybe you already knew that and now think I'm dumb but I'm proud to say I learned something new today.)

  1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
  2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.
  3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.
  4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.
  5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!
  6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!
  7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.
  8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.
  9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!
  10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber with react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
  11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.
  12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm your fingers or fingernails while you clean.
  13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Shakeology Cleanse

I'm on Day 2 of the Shakeology Cleanse and doing great! I'm still recoverying from my abdominal hernia surgery and have orders from my doctor to not exercise for 3 months! I wasn't too happy about that and I've been feeling a little yucky just sitting around. I have started some light walking but still decided it was time to clean up the diet a bit - well a lot, really. I've allowed too much junk to creep in lately. So starting off with the 3-day Shakeology Cleanse. Some of you have asked me about it after seeing on Facebook that I was doing this so I thought it would be good to post the info on the cleanse here. And hey, if the cleanse seems a bit much to start off with, don't shy away from Shakeology completely! Try just replacing one meal a day and you'll be surprised at the results! Order Shakeology on Home Direct and you get free shipping plus 2 free workouts and a shaker cup.

The Science Behind the Shakeology 3--‐Day--‐Cleanse
by Steve Edwards, Beachbody Director of Results

I like to call the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse a "performance cleanse." This is because it was
designed to be done with a workout program. Let's take a look at how this differs from other
cleanses, how to tailor it to your needs, and what to expect if you or your customers decide to try it.
First of all, it's not a true cleanse. It's a calorie-restricted and nutrient-dense diet plan. Traditional cleanses contain very few calories and nutrients. Compared to the much more popular Master Cleanse, it's like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Traditional cleansing diets are done to rid your system of toxins and bring it into homeostasis. They also contain a spiritual aspect. This process can take a long time, which is why you may have seen coworkers walking around the office in a zombie-like state for weeks on end—swilling a strange concoction of lemons and maple syrup.
The Shakeology cleanse is nothing like that. Depending on how you decide to do it, you'll be eating frequently and consuming between 800 and 1,200 calories per day, and it could be even more should you feel the need. The point of this cleanse is not calorie restriction, per se—it's nutrient efficiency. The aim is to get the most nutrients possible into the fewest number of calories. The goal is to put all of these calories to use as a part of your exercise program, to rid your body of undigested foods and toxins, and to bring your hydration levels into homeostasis. The result you're after is not weight loss—though it will likely occur—but for your body to be running more efficiently. This should make you feel lighter and more energetic, even though you're doing an exercise program.

How It Works

Your eating structure doesn't change. You still eat every few hours while you're awake. Each meal should have a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and fiber. And while you're not eating as much food as you'd normally eat, your calorie-to-nutrient ratio is extremely high. This means that you shouldn't restrict the actual nutrients you're getting by too much, so activity can continue as normal.
We recommend you try to keep your shakes to just Shakeology. Adding fruits of any kind, or seeds (for fat and fiber), or the Shakeology Fiber supplement, can and should be done as you see fit. Ditto for your one solid meal—a salad. As we all know from any salad bar, the definition of salad can be varied. The goal of the salad in the plan is to keep your calories coming from natural sources (no artificial ingredients should be added, including artificial salad dressing). Aside from that, you can add ingredients as necessary. Keep your meat intake to four ounces or less, but add veggies, seeds, nuts, fruits, and legumes in quantities to satiate you.
The goal of the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is to optimize your performance. You want to eat enough to fuel your day AND your workout. The foods you're eating are so high in fiber and nutrients that it's virtually impossible to overeat. You'll be consuming so much fiber, along with enzymes and digestive aids, that your body's ability to flush excess foods quickly will be at its peak.

What to Drink

Water, of course, is recommended in quantity. This is vital to any cleanse, because one of your goals is to bring your hydration into homeostasis. When your electrolytes are out of balance—the main problem we have is salt—you often retain water outside of your cells. This situation, which we refer to as retaining water, is cured by drinking more water. As the excess salts are diffused, your body begins to hydrate your cells (using sodium as it should be used) and flush the water held outside the cells. So, oddly enough, you drink water to eliminate water retention.
Sodas, alcohols, juices, etc., should be eliminated entirely during a cleanse. Coffee and tea, which
are diuretics, should be minimized at the very least and eliminated if possible. Again, performance is the key, so if you need a cup of Joe as a pick-me-up, go ahead. Just use only as needed, and don't use additives. Eliminating sugar and chemicals is vital. However, do not use energy drinks or soda for this purpose, including the ones with artificial sweeteners. Coffee drinkers may find that switching to black tea during a cleanse will give you the energy you're looking for with less upset. Coffee's acidic nature can heighten the effects in a negative way during your cleanse.

Why You Won't Lose Weight

I should say why you might not lose weight, but I wanted to get your attention. Most people will lose some weight during a cleanse, but that is not the goal. Those with a lot of undigested gunk in their systems will lose weight as it's flushed out. Those of you who are properly hydrated and already eat well are less likely to lose. For those of you who need to lose weight, take heart: you are setting up your system to use nutrients more efficiently and improving your ability to lose weight through structured diet and exercise. So while you may not lose much on the cleanse, you'll be more prepared to lose weight later.Another reason why we don't always lose weight on cleanses is due to a stress hormone calledcortisol. Restricting calories is stressful to the body, and it reacts by releasing cortisol. Cortisol isperformance-enhancing in the short term, but if you somehow keep your body stressed for longperiods, it creates havoc in your system and can cause you to doggedly hang onto weight in a type of survival mode. We don't want this to occur, which is one reason the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse is short. It's important not to remain in a highly calorie-deficient state for long periods of time, especially when you are trying to exercise hard.
The Cleanse
  • 3 Shakeology shakes per day
  • 2 cups of green tea per day
  • 1 or 2 pieces of fruit per day (optional)
  • 1 salad for dinner - can include poultry or fish
  • No dairy or extra sugars (this includes almond and soy milk)
  • Drink 1 to 2 liters of water every day
  • Only use low-fat dressings, and go easy on the salt and/or pepper to taste
  • 2 snacks before/after any of the major meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  • Fruit is optional, and it is discouraged (however, some of you will need the calories while others may not)
  • Power-workout participants (those who are already super conditioned) are recommended the higher number of calories
  • For maximum results, do NOT use additives
  • Dinner salad may include WHITE GRILLED PROTEIN - poultry or fish only

Daily Regimen:
1 cup of green tea to start the day

1 scoop Shakeology (140 calories)
1/2 cup fruit (60-90 calories) - optional
Ice to taste
8 to 10 oz. water

Snack 1 (85 calories):
1 piece of fruit (apple, pear, orange, banana, mango, etc.)

1 scoop Shakeology (140 calories)
Ice to taste
8 to 10 oz. water

1 cup of green tea or a detox tea

Snack 2: (you can have the second snack before or after dinner)
1 scoop Shakeology (140 calories)
Ice to taste
8 to 10 oz. water

Salad with grilled white fish or poultry (roughly 340 calories)
- Greens - 3 servings of vegetables, plus 4 oz. of grilled white meat (fish or poultry)
- 2 tablespoons of dressing - no more!

There you have it - the 3-Day Shakeology Cleanse. Feel free to email me at coachsueann@yahoo.com if you have any questions or if you would like me to mail you a sample of Shakeology (specify flavor - Chocolate or Greenberry).

Have a great week!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Where'd Summer Go?

It's August! This summer is flying by! It's been quite a few weeks since I last blogged and that's because this summer has been one of my busiest ever! It's been a great summer though.
If you've read my profile, you know that my family and I are missionaries in the South Pacific. One of my desires has been to help people here on this island get healthy and fit. Well, this summer I've had the opportunity to start an exercise group with the girls in our village. They have been meeting at my house every morning at 6:30 AM to workout. It's been a great experience and is exciting to see these girls work at improving their health.
I will be having surgery this week. I have an abdominal hernia that has needed to be repaired for some time and the dr. has said I need to get this done. My parents are here from the States to help with the kids during my recovery. Hoping and praying for a quick and easy recovery! I'll be blogging more on my recovery as I can.
Have a happy and healthy week!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Step 6: Refrain from eating at the wrong times.

Ok, ok, it's been a couple of weeks since the last step. Between internet issues and being sick, I've had a hard time getting on here. But here it is: the final step from the Beachbody Nutrition Guide.
Step 6: Refrain from eating at the wrong times.
"Don't eat just before you work out, right before bed, or because you're stressed. You want your body to be in "fat-burning mode" whenever possible.

Try to eat your last meal about 3 hours before bedtime. By going to sleep on an empty stomach, your body will burn stored fat while you sleep.

It's best not to consume a sports drink or energy bar before working out. It's the wrong food at the wrong time, as they encourage your body's "carb-burning mode." Try to eat a couple of hours before you work out, and drink only water. Conrtrolling the foods you eat before a workout will maximize the ability of your exercise to burn stored fat.

Your body has two main sources of energy: stored fat and stored carbohydrates. When you eat or drink substances like energy bars or sports drinks, which are generally high in carbs, your body's insulin levels rise to cope with the additional carbohydrates in your system. That means that during the time you process those carbs through your bloodstream, your body's hormones are focused on burning that type of fuel for energy. Thus, if you consume those carbs before you workout, you will be in the mode to burn the carbs in your body more than the stored fat around your waist and thighs. That's why we highly recommend putting your body in a semi-fasting state, meaning you are working out with little to no food in your digestive system. For hydration, don't use sports drinks, use water. Your body will then be in "fat-burning mode," and the results from your effort will be maximized.

According to some high-profile dieticians and trainers, if you exercised for a month and didn't see the fat reduction you wanted, it's probably due to your insulin levels being too high while you were working out. That means your body wasn't attacking the fat stores, even though you were working your hardest.

So if you limit your carbs before exercise and before sleep, your body has more time to function as an effective fat-burning machine.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Step 5: Fortify your Diet with a Multivitamin

I've had computer issues the last two weeks so am late in getting this posted. Week 5 here on Slim in 6 and Burn It Up is half killing me! Just kidding! It's just taking some time to get back into pre-pregnancy shape.

Time for Step 5 of the Beachbody Nutrition Guide's 6 Steps to Transform Your Body:

"When you exercise hard and/or reduce your diet, your body can easily suffer from vitamin deficiencies. Most nutritionists believe that multivitamins are absolutely essential, espeically for active individuals, because it's difficult to get enough nutrients from your diet alone. The combination of daily stress, processed foods, and nutrient-depleted soils may leave your daily diet with deficiencies, which can threaten healthy muscle growth, energy production, protein metabolism, and fat burning. Taking a good multivitamin will ensure that your body as the nutrients it needs sto function properly. We reommend ActiVit multivitamins, but there are other good brands as well. The key is quality and freshness - when it comes to vitamins, you get what you pay for!"

If you aren't currently taking a multivitamin and really want to improve your health, I recommend signing on for Home Direct (shipped monthly to your address) for the Core Nutrition Pack, which includes the Activit multivitamin as well as Core Omega-3 and Core Cal-Mag.

If you really want to boost your health, then I strongly recommend Shakeology. This is one of the best nutritional products I have ever used! Check out my Shakeology website for more info.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Step 4: Hydrate and Cleanse

Wow! Three weeks of this round of Slim in Six DONE already! Time is flying and I'm looking forward to the results I get by the end of these six weeks. I took my halfway weight and measurements today and was both pleased and disappointed. Pleased because I did lose a whole inch in my waist and a half an inch in each arm and leg. Disappointed because only down 1 pound on the scale. I DO know I need to be more strict with the eating though. These next three weeks WILL be better!

Ok, as we're into Week 4 now, on with Step 4 of Beachbody's Nutrition Guide's "6 Steps To Transform Your Body".

Step 4: Hydrate and Cleanse your body by drinking water.


"This is the step people seem to take for granted. But in conjunction with supplements, improved food intake, and exercise, the catalyst to flushing out the bad stuff and keeping your body healthy is water. It also helps you feel full during the day. A balanced eating schedule with lots of water is a very manageable routine."

So, get in that water this week! (I just finished a glass now!) Have a great week!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Step Three: Consistent 5X-a-day Eating Schedule

Ok, I never got my Week 2 summary in last week as the power kept going off and I was extra busy with a fussy baby. Week 2 was not my best, I'm afraid. I missed 3 workouts due to not feeling well and taking care of my fussy little girl, who was having some stomach issues. I'm determined to do better this week! So here's Step Three from the Beachbody Nutrition Guide: A Consistent 5 Times-a-day Eating Schedule

"To succeed, it is very important to follow a consistent eating schedule. Consistency will actually give you a profound sense of control over your world, and it will also assure two things:
  1. You won't get over-hungry, and thus overeat at the next meal, and
  2. You will encourage an increase in your metabolism (that's the Holy Grail!)

A sample schedule could be:

Breakfast (within an hour of waking up) 7:00 AM
Snack (2-3 hours after breakfast) 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Lunch (2-3 hours after snack) 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Snack (2-3 hours after lunch) 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Dinner (finished at least 3 hours before bed) 7:00 - 8:00 PM

The most important aspects of this eating schedule are that you DO eat breakfast, and that you DO stop eating 3 hours BEFORE bedtime. (You might start to get hungry before bedtime, but you will enjoy 8 hours of solid fat burning if you can control yourself.) By allowing your body to sleep in "fasting mode" - meaning you are not in the midst of digesting a meal - your body will access stored fat for energy. What better time to be slightly hungry anyway than while you sleep? You wake up hungry, and you eat breakfast on schedule!"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Black Bean Brownies

If you've been following my blog, then you already know that I'm a big fan of black beans. So when my friend Rebecca posted on Facebook a recipe for Black Bean Brownies, I couldn't wait to try it, weird as it sounded. Surprisingly, they were delicious! I didn't tell my family what was in them until after they had declared them great! They were sure surprised! So here's the recipe so you can try it out too. Keep in mind, it does still have sugar and carbs, but at least it cuts the fat. Enjoy!

Black Bean Brownies

1 family size brownie mix
1 15 oz. can black beans
1 cup water

Drain and rinse beans. Puree in blender with the 1 cup of water and add to brownie mix. Combine thoroughly and bake as directed on mix.

It's that simple!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Step Two: Pay Attention To What You Eat

Week Two of Slim in 6 - so far so good. I got in Ramp It Up this morning and burned 434 calories. I'm feeling strong and good about my progress so far.

Last week I gave you Step 1 of the Six Steps To Transform Your Body. This week, Step Two: Pay Attention To Everything You Eat. Here is what the Beachbody Nutrition Guide says:

"What you eat has a direct effect on everything from the way your body works to your mood to the amount of fat your body burns or stores. For long-term weight management (and health), we suggest that you pay attention to everything you eat and use the eyeball method (knowing how much you should eat by looking at it and having a basic tool for knowing how much is enough) of controlling portion size. Balancing the type of foods you're eating and always making sure you're getting enough protein are also important.

We recommend using Michi's Ladder to guide your food choices throughout the day. (Michi's Ladder is available on the Team Beachbody website once you have joined the free Community). The closer you are to the top, the better results you will get. It's a direct relationship that cannot be overemphasized. No matter how much you work out, if you don't make smarter food choices, you will not see that layer of padding around your waist or thighs go away. On the other hand, if you give yourself three solid weeks of eating at the top of Michi's Ladder, the results will startle you.

Every meal should be conservative in portion size and have a fairly even ratio of calories from carbs, proteins, and fats. Shoot for 40% of your calories to come from carbs, and 30% from protein, and 30% from fat.

Beachbody Rules for Choosing Foods

  • Use fresh vegetables to replace processed foods and you will lose weight.
  • Skinless white meat is generally a better choice than red meat.
  • Egg whites have less fat than whole eggs.
    When looking at a plate of food you suspect is high in fat (like pizza) or carbohydrates (like pasta), eat half the helping you would normally eat. Do not overeat.
  • Choose low-density, high-fiber foods whenever possible.


  • Choose lean meats (turkey, chicken) vs. fatty red meats.
  • The portion of meat for a meal should be no larger than the palm of your hand (around 3-4 ounces.
  • Broil, grill, or bake - never fry!
  • Avoid cream sauces and gravies.
  • If you don't eat meat, substitute tempeh, tofu, low-fat dairy products, and legumes


  • A large salad is great, but try ot limit the dressing to one or two tablespoons of low-fat or nonfat dressing like vinaigrette instead of a coating of creamy dressing, which can blow the whole reason for eating salad anyway.
  • A side portion of vegies should be steamed or raw. Prepared this way, veggies have so few calories tha tyou can pretty much eat them til you're full. A plateful of raw veggies has about 100 calories. Indulge!
  • Avoid butter or cream-based sauces on veggies. Lemon juice, soy sauce, and mustard are good ways to add flavor without adding fat calories.

Breads, Pastas, Rice, and Fruits:

  • Be sure to eat whole grains and brown rice instead of refined grains and white rice. The fiber will slow sugar absorption so your body can better handle the sugars and not just store them as fat.
  • Always choose whole fruits instead of juice.
  • Foods in this caregory are calorie dense, so limit yourself to three small servings per day.


  • Avoid saturated and trans fats in red meats, full-fat dairy foods, and processed foods. Learn to read labels.
  • Avocados, raw nuts, flaxseeds, and olive oil are great sources of essential fatty acids - just keep portions very small. Fat is extremely dense and has more than twice the calories per gram as protein and carbs.


  • A glass of water 30 minutes before a meal will curb your hunger.
  • Try not to have a drink with your meals. If you must, limit it to juice, milk, or your best choice, water.
  • Avoid soda and alcohol, as they are very calorie dense. Limit diet sodas to one per day, as too much can affect your body's pH levels. (Susan's note: It's best to sign off sodas completely!).
  • Coffee and tea (better) are fine in moderation, just don't add cream or sugar.


When you're confronted with the dessert tray, remember the goal: you want to chisel your body as quickly as possible. Now, slowly step away from the chocolate cake. Please - step away from the chocolate cake. (Did it work?)

If you MUST have dessert, on your birthday or at a social gathering where it's irresistible, then be smart - a cup of fruit is the best way to go to satisfy a sweet tooth. But if you still can't avoid it, give yourself the leeway to enjoy it, and take about a third of what you would normally reach for. That means if you're going to have a piece of pumpkin pie, have a "sliver of a sliver," not a "slice."

Note: Be prepared for people to make comments about the small portion size of your dessert so they can justify the embarrassing mound they're about to consume. Your defense when this happens is your commitment to the goal. When you reach it, you'll be walking around feeling great about yourself and your health, and your clothes will be fitting perfectly - if not a little loosely. Soon you will see these same people who gave you a hard time, and they'll be asking for your advice about how to lose their soft belly. It's then that you've won! But don't rub it in. Turn them on to Team Beachbody and you've got a friend for life (in them and in us!)."

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week 1 of Slim in 6!

I got off to a great start with this round of Slim in 6! I feel pretty good about the first week considering I am still recovering from childbirth, and especially from a c-section. I worked out to Start It Up the first 4 days, but then missed Days 5 and 6 entirely due to a fussy baby. I will be starting Monday with Ramp It Up. As for eating, this week went really well. I didn't have any cravings and ate healthy, well-balanced meals the whole week other than Friday, which is my "Cheat Day". Even Friday I ate great until dinner which I ate out with my husband and also enjoyed some ice cream and M&Ms. Overall, I'm pleased with the start I've had. Looking forward to what the next five weeks has for me!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Step One: Portion Control

Today's the Day!!! I started Slim in 6 this morning and made it through Start It Up. I guess I didn't realize just how out of shape I got towards the end of this pregnancy and after the c-section. It's gonna take some time to whip me back into shape! So I huffed and puffed my way through it and according to my heart rate monitor, I burned 232 calories during the 25 minute workout. Oh, and I think I'm gonna be sore tomorrow.
Ok, I mentioned last week that I would be posting the 6 Steps to Transform Your Body from the Beachbody Nutrition Guide, going over one step per week. So here is this week's step for us to work on:
Step One: Control Your Portions
"In general, eat half of what the chef serves you in a restaurant. An adequate portion for a meal is 3 ounces of protein (like chicken, tuna, or lean ground beef), which is about the size of your palm. Don't eat until you are full; eat until you're not hungry. Same goes for salad dressing. On a large salad, limit it to just enough to taste. One or two tablespoons should do the trick.

Control Your Calorie Intake and Portion Size

This is what we call the "Classic Calorie Equation." Your daily exercise routine will increase the amount of calories you burn each day. If you also make sure that you eat fewer calories than you burn, poof! - you burn excess stored fat. It's a simple, scientifically proven fact that never fails. And here's how to do it:
Calories in:

First, regulate how many calories you consume. We recommend that if "trimming fat" is your goal, 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day is as low as you want to go. Any lower and your body will think it's starving and reset your metabolism. Targeting a number that is 500 calories per day less than you burn will result in losing a pound per week. We recommend starting with 1,200 to 2,000 calories per day, depending on your goal, which will steer you away from large portions. Add calories only when you feel you need additional energy. After all, food is fuel. (This is a general guideline. For more specific details as to your personal caloric needs, we suggest you contact a registered dietician or diet center.)

Calories out:

Second, approximate how many calories your body uses each day using the following grid, which is calculated based on your body weight, your lifestyle, and the assumption that you will burn 300 calories in every rigorous 30-minute workout.
Calorie Equation:
calories burned - calories eaten = 800-calorie deficit

Estimate How Many Calories Your Body Needs
Now that you have an estimate of how many calories your body needs, you just need to make sure that you consume less than that, and your body will be forced to access its stored fat to make up the difference. that's how you lose fat: Force your body to use stored energy by controlling the "energy" (aka calories) you put in.
Once you accumulate a 3,500-calorie deficit, you've burned off 1 pound of fat! This has been proven repeatedly in clinical trials, in Hollywood, and by the general public. The Daily Deficit works. If you want to hit a very specific weight loss goal, this is how you can do it, to the pound, to the day. And we're not talking water weight - we're talking about burning off significant stored fat. The trick is to be disciplined about calorie intake.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Two Days To Go!

Only two days to go till I start this round of Slim in 6! I am ready! I've been working on meal plans, scheduling my workouts, and preparing myself mentally for the challenge. I've also been going over the Beachbody Step-by-Step Nutrition Guide to make sure I don't forget anything so I thought I'd go over the steps over the next six weeks of the program as their are six steps. So check back here the beginning of next week for Step 1. Meanwhile, today I will post the introduction to the Nutrition Guide:

"The actual goal of most fitness and slimming programs is to increase the ratio of lean muscle to stored fat. That means trimming a lot of fat and building muscle for a toned look. It does not necessarily mean "losing weight." Muscle weighs a lot more than fat, so as your ratio of lean mass to fat changes, you shrink at the same weight. Beware of diets that promise rapid weight loss, as these tend to promote dehydration techniques that can be dangerous. Sure, you can wring a lot of water out of your system to lose weight, but once you are again properly hydrated you'll gain most of the weight back. Also, when you drastically reduce calories you alter your body's metabolism so it more readily stores excess calories as fat, which is the opposite of what you're trying to do." (taken from the Beachbody Nutrition Guide)

Check back soon for Step 1 of the 6 Steps to Transfor Your Body!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What's In A Label? - Breakfast Cereals

As our family sat at the breakfast table this morning, I absentmindedly picked up the box of wheat bran and started browsing the label. Wheat Bran – sounds like a pretty healthy cereal, right? And generally speaking, it is. I was not surprised to see that the first two ingredients were whole grain wheat and wheat bran. But what did surprise me were the next ingredients: sugar and high fructose corn syrup! I thought basically I was just getting whole wheat! I have become an avid label reader over the years and am continuously surprised at the sneaky little “evil” substances food manufacturers will slip into the most healthy sounding foods. So this is just a little reminder to READ YOUR LABELS, even if the food is something you think sounds pretty healthy. Wheat Bran, by the way, is still healthier than Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms but there are some even healthier choices out there. Some of my personal favorites in the cereal department are the Kashi cereals and the Cascadian Farms cereals. And from time to time here on my blog, I’ll discuss nutrition labels and what some of that stuff means. Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Post-Pregnancy: Getting Back Into Shape!

It’s been a little over six weeks now since I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. And NOW, I can finally get back to a normal workout regime! I’m excited, yet a little apprehensive as well. There’s always that little question in the back of my mind, “Will my body ever get back to normal?” Well, I’ve done it before after pregnancy and know that with the help of Team Beachbody, I CAN do it again! Will it be easy? NO! Will it be a lot of work? YES! Am I willing to commit to this? YES! Will I succeed? YES! And so can you! So why don’t you join me in this most awesome journey as I take on Slim in 6 starting this coming Monday, April 19th. Feel free to do your own workout regime or try out Slim in 6 or another Beachbody workout program. I will post weekly updates here on this blog and post daily on my thread in the Beachbody Message Boards.

  • Join up for the FREE membership with the Team Beachbody Community for numerous resources to help you get the most out of your workouts. OR, for just a small fee join the Club with many more resources, including customizable meal plans AND a 10% discount on all products! Either way, you get me as your free coach!
  • Pick your program! If you want to order Slim in 6, click HERE. Or shop here to browse through Beachbody’s other awesome workout programs.
  • Read through the material that came with your workouts – Be prepared! Knowing what to expect over the next weeks will make the journey a little easier.
  • Take your before measurements and photos. (You don’t have to show them to anyone – but it sure is great to be able to compare them to the after stats at the end of the program!)
  • Schedule your workouts! By scheduling your workouts just like you would any other appointment, you are more likely to follow through. Mark them on your calendar. And if you are a part of the Team Beachbody Community, free or Club, you can use WOWY, our virtual gym, where you can schedule your workouts, check off those you’ve done, keep track of your progress, meet others to workout with online, AND even be entered in the daily drawing to win money or prizes ranging from $300-$1000!

So, go ahead and make the commitment to get in the best shape of your life and join in the fun! Hope to see you around!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fit For Summer

Summer is just around the corner! For many of you that have spent the winter "snowed in", I'm sure that is a welcome statement! With warm weather just ahead, this is a great time to be thinking about improving our fitness and health. No more hiding in bulky sweaters so it's time to shed the extra pounds and get in shape!

Where to begin! No point in "re-inventing the wheel". There are plenty of tools and resources available to get you started on the road to fitness!

Step 1: Join the Team Beachbody community! It's free and gives you access to the Team Beachbody Message Boards as well as other resources such as the weekly newsletter with articles on nutrition, fitness, and info on new workout programs available. Also, you get your own personal fitness coach for FREE! (By joining here from this blog, you will automatically have me as your coach.) Another option is to join the Team Beachbody Club which has a small membership fee, but opens you up to many more resources such as customizable meal plans, trainer tips, recipes, a 10% discount off all products and nutritionals, and much more in addition to what you would receive as a free community member. You can join risk free for a 30 day trial and cancel at anytime.

Step 2: Pick an exercise program that works for you! As the weather gets nicer, you may want to get out doors more. Take up walking, maybe even jogging, biking, hiking, swimming, etc. The list is endless. If you want a more organized workout program to get you in your ideal shape, try some of Beachbody's tried and proven programs. Slim in 6 is always a great fat blaster. I'll be starting this program again in just a couple of weeks to get myself back in pre-pregnancy shape. Power 90 and Turbo Jam are other great choices. If you want to step things up a bit and take your fitness to a whole new level, there's always P90X, ChaLean Extreme, and Insanity. Beachbody offers over a hundred great workout programs to fit every fitness level or interest. Browse here to check out what they offer.

Step 3: Find your accountability! One of the best motivations for me has always been having someone to keep me accountable. The Team Beachbody Message Boards are great for this. If you don't know where to begin in finding a thread for you, check out my thread and join us there. Also, your Team Beachbody coach can be a great motivator and offer encouragement, tips, and help when you are struggling. My coach has become more than a coach to me, but also a friend. (Click here to have me coach you for free!)

Step 4: Take a look at your eating! If you hope to get in shape by summer, it will take more than the daily workouts and by that I mean it's time to clean up the eating. Get the junk food out of your house and commit to eating healthy. Plan out what you're going to eat in advance and when you're going to eat it. Consider keeping a food journal and writing down everything that goes in your mouth (you might be surprised at what all you consume in a day!). Also, make sure you are taking a daily multi-vitamin and it would be a good idea to add in omega-3s and calcium supplements. And of course I would be remiss if I did not mention my all-time favorite supplement, Shakeology! It's great as a meal replacement and contains over 70 healthy ingredients that give you the vitamins, nutrients, antioxidents, probiotics, and more that you need for optimal health. I LOVE the chocolate and have found that it's WONDERFUL with a drop or two of orange extract added.

Step 5: Get going!!!! Ok, you've read the article, thought it through, now get moving; don't just sit there thinking about it from now till next fall! Make the commitment and then follow through. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dealing With Jaundice

Most new parents bringing their newborn home from the hospital will notice a slightly yellow color to the baby's skin. Everyone one of my children have had this condition, known as jaundice, and usually it is nothing to cause alarm. Your pediatrician will normally tell you to take the baby out in the early morning light and assure you that it will fade in a few days; and it usually does. However, in some cases, there is an underlying cause for the jaundice and it becomes severe and prolonged, needing other medical intervention. This was the case in our little Kaylinn. We noticed the usual mild jaundice as we brought her home from the hospital on March 1st. Normaly, the jaundice will occur on the infant's 3rd to 5th days of life. However, in Kaylinn, it continued to get worse rather than fade away, in spite of daily taking her out in the morning light. As she neared her 3rd week of life, she also began to vomit profusely. Concerned, we contacted our pediatrician and Kaylinn had to be admitted in the hospital - again. Bloodwork showed an infection of some kind that was probably the cause. After some time under the phototherapy lights along with IV antibiotics, Kaylinn's color slowly began to improve and the vomiting stopped. It was a difficult and emotional time, not knowing exactly what was going on with our little girl, but we are thankful to say that eight days later she was finally discharged from the hospital and is now home and doing well.

What is jaundice? - Infant jaundice is a yellow discoloration in a newborn baby's skin and eyes. The condition occurs because the baby's blood contains an excess of bilirubin (bil-ih-ROO-bin), a yellow-colored pigment of red blood cells. Infant jaundice usually occurs because a baby's liver isn't mature enough to get rid of bilirubin in the bloodstream. In some cases, an underlying disease may cause jaundice. Although complications are rare, severe infant jaundice or poorly treated jaundice can cause brain damage. (Definition taken from MayoClinic.com)
When to be concerned - If the jaundice continues to worsen after the baby has reached 5 days old, notify your pediatrician. In Kaylinn's case, the jaundice progressed daily and eventually was accompanied by vomiting. If this happens, notify your pediatrician immediately. Kaylinn also slept a lot more than usual and cried little. The doctor was concerned by these symptoms as well. For more symptoms and information on jaundice, please read the information posted on the Mayo Clinic website at MayoClinic.com.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Cesaerean Delivery - Tips and Recovery Info

I was one of "those" that thought I would certainly never have to have a c-section. And with each one of my children's births, I grew even more confident that I would always deliver without any complications. After having 4 normal deliveries, I had no reason to prepare myself for a cesaerean - or so I thought. The truth is, no one can ever know how any one delivery will turn out and it's best to be prepared. I laugh now at how I always skipped the chapters on c-sections in the pregnancy books. The tables have turned and now I'm gleaning info on recovery from every source I can get my hands on.
Actually, there are many websites devoted to the cesaerean delivery and recovery that I've found in my "research", some extremely helpful, others a little irritating, making statements such as "by the time you return home from the hospital 3 or 4 days after delivery, you should experience little if any pain". Uh, just for the record, it hurts!! I came across one this morning though that did an excellent job of covering what to expect in the event of a c-section, including each stage of recovery. Rather than re-posting the entire article, you can go to the site through this link here to find a Five-Step Recovery Guide by Alexandria Powell.


I am not a doctor or health care professional in any way. Information posted on this blog is simply what I have found to be helpful to me and is never intended to be used in place of professional medical advice.

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