"Simplicity is the secret of seeing things clearly." - Oswald Chambers

Living a health-filled life doesn't have to be complicated! God designed our bodies to be fit, healthy and available for His use.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Are You Doing For Your Health TODAY?

So, what ARE you doing for your health today?  If you're one of the many who put exercise or eating healthy on their 'to-do list' for tomorrow, it's time to make some changes TODAY!  Here's a few small changes to get you started:
  • Determine your motivation!  Summer is practically here!  That's a perfect motivation right there.  Or how about, "I want to feel better and be more physically able to care for my family!"  Another great motivation. 
  • Cut out sodas or any other sugary drink!  Drink water!  I know, you may, "YUCK!"  Believe it or not, after a couple of weeks of drinking ONLY water, you will find you actually LIKE it and lose the taste for the other stuff.  Give it a try!
  • Get rid of the artificial sweeteners as well!  Don't get me started on this one!  They are BAD for you - probably even worse than sugar!  These are chemicals!  Even Splenda is on my bad list - I'll try to post more on this later.
  • Get outside and MOVE!  Take a walk, go for a light run or a swim, play a game outside with your kids (or ask to borrow someone else's kids if you don't have any -  you'll have fun and the parents will thank you for giving them a break for a little bit!)
  • Eat your meats grilled or broiled, NOT fried!  Hey, want to know what happens when you consistently down all that grease and junk?  Google unhealthy heart images or heart disease images and see what you come up with! 
  • Eat those fruits and veggies!!!!  Raw is best!  Again, it's an acquired taste - if you cut out the sugary and salty foods and replace with fresh fruits and veggies, it won't be long before you lose the cravings for the bad stuff and start to crave the good stuff.
  • Try to get some stretching in every day!  Yoga or pilates is great - start with some running in place or jumping jacks to get your muscles warms and then do some stretching along with deep breathing.  You'd be surprised at the energy it will give you and over time your flexibility will improve as will your posture.
If you need help getting started with exercise or eating healthy or just need a push to take things up a notch, I'm here to help you!  I can coach  you for FREE so just email me for more info or click HERE to have me become your coach!  Then let's get you started on the road to better health!

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I am not a doctor or health care professional in any way. Information posted on this blog is simply what I have found to be helpful to me and is never intended to be used in place of professional medical advice.

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